Carmen R. Mallen

Visual Artist

Carmen R. Mallen

Carmen R. Mallen


Carmen is captivated by the act of creating art and the intimate connection between her hands and the materials. The pre and post-creation moments and the way they shape her perception of the world around her drive her passion. Her work is a reflection of her emotional journey, incorporating the landscapes, colors, and memories that shape her daily experiences.

For Carmen, art-making is not just a physical process but a way to preserve and express the sights she encounters. She sees the potential for art to transform spaces and create memorable experiences that bring joy and kindness into our lives. Carmen's work is a testament to the transformative power of art and its ability to enrich our lives.

Carmen R. Mallen

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“My goal is to create art that not only captures the viewer's attention but also elicits an emotional response.”

Carmen R. Mallen