Tara Glastonbury

Textile Designer

Tara Glastonbury

Tara Glastonbury


I am a modern quilt artist and designer known for my bold use of colour, strong geometry and my preference for using recycled, perennial or traditional textiles. My work is divided between exhibition pieces and a more crafts-based practice designing quilt patterns. My attraction to textiles – whether quilted, knitted or stitched, is the mix of utility and art form – beauty with a practical purpose.
My exhibition work is often a form of social commentary. Firstly, on the notion of textiles as women’s work, which sees them undervalued as an artform, both by the fine art community, but also frequently by the artists themselves. Equally, it explores the notion of textiles as art versus a crafts-based production practice and the tensions between working as textile artist compared to that of a traditional career, including what the consequences of these choices mean for both me personally and financially, as well as the broader physical environment.

Tara Glastonbury

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“My attraction to textiles – whether quilted, knitted or stitched, is the mix of utility and art form – beauty with a practical purpose.”

Tara Glastonbury