Mira Chorik

Multidisciplinary Artist

Mira Chorik

Mira Chorik


I'm a postgraduate art student and songwriter from Bellthorpe. My minimalist, mixed media and readymade installation practice touches on loss, silence and mystery and questions the imposition of narratives that emerge from a culture addicted to positivity. My practice researches loss and asks the following: what role does art have when the stories that hold lives together fall apart; how can art create a sense of reverence and a place for the unknown. I'm currently an artist in residence at Caboolture Hub and run the Songwriters Roundtable, a supportive space for local songwriters to meet and hone the art of songwriting.

Mira Chorik

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“I wonder what it could be if we knew how to let go into darkness for a time and if we had a cultural story that didn't proselytise light is always better than dark... what might emerge?”

Mira Chorik