
Have your say - Creative Spaces Affordable Housing Advocacy Project

Creative Spaces is seeking participants to help us understand the lived experiences and unique challenges faced by creatives in our city.

This feedback will help guide understanding and discussions around the challenges faced by our creative community as a result of rising housing and workspace costs in Melbourne.

We are seeking creative practitioners, including actors, dancers, directors, musicians, visual artists, craftspeople, photographers, curators, filmmakers, writers, designers and architects from one of the following three scenarios to participate in an interview for a case study lasting approximately one hour:

  • Creative practitioners in an arts residency within the City of Melbourne;
  • Creative practitioners in a live/work arrangement within City of Melbourne;
  • Creative practitioners working in the City of Melbourne but living elsewhere.

Participants and their work will be profiled as a case study in the Creative Spaces report and feedback received will inform an important body of work that will help shape the future for creative practitioners in the City of Melbourne.

If you are interested in participating please contact